Archive for the ‘Grace’ Category

Speaking the Truth in Love

whisper.gifAs a result of a recent discussion at my favorite blog in the world, SharperIron, I have again come to wrestle internally with various aspects of Christian character and how they are communicated to a watching world.  The following is just my thinking over the issues.  I did not supply supporting Bible passages for each assertion, but can if it would be helpful for anyone.

I come from a tradition that takes pride in being called “Fighting Fundamentalists” and uses terms like “militant” to describe their stance toward error.  I agree with this approach, by the way, as long as it is focused on the faith, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Continue reading

“I Die Like Jesus Christ”

choseunghui.gifCho Seung-Hui.

One week ago, only a handful of people knew that name.  Today, most of the world does.

On the morning of April 17, 2007, Cho chose to unleash his own pent-up anger on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia.  After killing his first two victims in a dormitory, Cho mailed a package to the National Broadcasting Company in New York City.  The package contained photographs, videos, and writings.

In one of the videos, Cho says “Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenceless people.”  In another video however, Cho states that “Jesus loves crucifying me.” Continue reading

Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition

construction.gifI watched an extraordinary episode of ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition last Saturday evening that impacted me in a big way.  For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the show: the host Ty Pennington and his design team choose a family with a need for a new home–usually a family who has suffered extraordinary loss or made significant contribution to the life of their community.  Then, with the help of local and national construction companies and home furnishing manufacturers, they tear down the old home and build the family their dream home.  While everyone’s working, the family is usually sent to Disney World for a week’s vacation.  That’s right, one week.  That’s how long it takes to complete the home.  Just the program’s concept is amazing in and of itself.  But perhaps you haven’t met the Gilliams. Continue reading

SharperIron Posting

logo_bottom.jpg“Now Thank We All Our God” was posted this morning over at SharperIron. It was written as part of a personal study on thanksgiving in the Scripture. I hope you get a chance to read it and give me your feedback.

The article can be found here:

The discussion thread can be found here:

God’s Gracious Giving

cornucopia.gifGod is a giving God. His giving is beyond our full comprehension. His giving is not an occasional decision on His part; it is characteristic of His very nature. He gives because of who and what He is, not because of who or what we are.

God’s giving is of grace. None of His abounding gifts to angels or to men is deserved. God owes no man anything. God does not need to repay a favor or seek another’s favor. He does not give in order to gain. He does not give out of any obligation. All that God has ever given has been an expression of His free grace. Continue reading